This is my newest large oil painting called the " Three Fates " after a Greek myth. Three canvas wrapped panels 24 x 36 , not yet bolted together make up this work. I chose a Cadillac because of its unique style, color and chrome. In this myth three sisters appear two weeks after the birth of a child and will spin the fate shown as the red thread looping through the vehicles and when the fate has been decided will cut the thread, deciding the life of this child. The youngest sister, Clotho, is the 1955 Cadillac convertible. She begins spinning thread. The bobbin is near the rear bumper. It then moves on to the middle sister, Lachesis, the 1948 black Cadillac. She measures its length. The thread goes from the front bumper, over the fenders, to the rear bumper and continues to the eldest sister, Atropos, the 1901 red Cadillac. She cuts the thread. The scissors can be found on the back stone under the name...
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